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A Festive Return to Work at Topkidsplay

Your turnkey solution provider

Topkidsplay celebrated the end of the Chinese New Year break on February 18. The staff members returned to work with a fresh outlook and greater confidence. At the facility, festivities began off with fireworks turning the sky into a lively festival. Staff members congratulated each other, sent other people good wishes for a red year ahead, and participated in the tradition of exchanging red envelopes. Topkidsplay, confirming its commitment to quality and innovation, is prepared to take on the chances and challenges of the new year with a strong feeling of companionship and a common goal.

Employees gathered to start cooperation in the new year. Laughter came all day round as the joyful atmosphere affected the offices and factories. The team comes together after the holidays to plan for what lies ahead in 2024.

Giving out red envelopes, which stand for luck and wealth in the new year, brings a cheerful spirit. As colleagues shared their happiness and opened their red envelopes, the relationships of friendship and cooperation were deepened. Topkidsplay has the potential to achieve further success in the New Year and deliver a fantastic experience for our consumers worldwide, thanks to new excitement and a common sense of purpose.

Simona Peng

Simona Peng

Hi, my name is Simona Peng and I am Marketing Director for TOPKIDSPLAY . Welcome to our website and thanks for your interest in TOPKIDSPLAY. I do hope you’ll make yourself at home here.

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