With the rapid development of amusement industry, also for shortage of city outdoor ground area, the designing trend of playground equipment has already been shifting from outdoor playground to indoor playground arena. While kids playing in a cheer center of a commercial mall or kids play park, parents can sit back watching kids playing more reassuringly.
Without considering sunburning outside or raining days, parents can take their kids to play center of shopping mall whenever they want to walk around. So is it true that kids can be definitely playing at ease?

Well actually, safety guarantee from business owner of playground center is not really 100% assured. Cause there is something that they even don’t know about the quality safety in playground structure.
So let us make you more clear about our indoor playground safety level, which is also the top-level quality standard in the playground industry internationally.
Following main factors that may influencing the stability of a whole playground structure:
◆ The thickness of pipe that’s being used in the main structure;
- If owner of indoor playground center use 1.5~2.0mm thickness, that means very DANGER if building with like 3 floors.
◆ Clamps which are used to connect pipes horizontally or vertically;
◆ Fire-resistance standard of outside material
- Kids play center might be in a great economic suffering during a mall fire accident, if business owner are provided with cheap non fire-resistance playground equipment.

Therefore, if you, as a indoor playground business planner, why not leave TOPKIDSPLAY a message to let us show you more playground safety knowledge?